First Reevaluation
Remember: You are required to provide 24-hour notice if not able to make your reevaluation and may cancel for emergencies only. A $25 fee will be charged for reevaluations cancelled same day for non-emergencies, or if you arrive too late for exam and results to be completed.
Testing Performed: The two exams that were performed during your initial appointment, the rolling thermal and static EMG will be done again as well as a heart rate variability test and a pupillometry test
- Rolling Thermal: Nerve to Muscle
- Static EMG: Nerve to Organ
- HRV (Heart Rate Variability): Flight and Fight Response of your body to stress
- Pupillometry: pupil reactivity
How to prepare for your reevaluation:
Arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time so you have time to change and get started with the exam at your appointment time.
- Your reevaluation requires that you undress from the waist up and the ladies will be asked to wear a gown. You will need to remove any earrings, necklace, or torso jewelry before the scan.
Complete your Reevaluation Form prior to your appointment time or arrive 20 minutes early to complete the form. Be complete and thoughtful with your answers.
Refrain from the following 8 hours prior to your re-evaluation:
- Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, teas, and soda (this may affect the HRV results)
- Pain killers, anti-inflammatory, or muscle relaxers (over-the counter or prescribed)
- Antibiotic and/or antiviral medications (both over-the counter and prescribed)
- Dental work or surgical procedures which require anesthesia
- Massage or cupping therapy
- Physical Therapy or Exercise (2 hours before appt)
- Controlled substances such as marijuana, alcohol, or other recreational drugs
Not feeling well the day of your reevaluation? If you have a cold or flu, or any unusual health challenge on the day of your re-evaluation, please let us know immediately. Although we may reschedule your re-evaluation to another day, we still want you to come in for your adjustment. Adjustments will help kick start your immune system and get you back on the road to good health faster.
Your reevaluation form link will be sent to you via text and email but can also be found here:
Reevaluation Progress Instructions
- Please give us information since your initial examination (your new patient appointment) through today only. In future exams, it will be from the last exam to the current exam. We are tracking and discussing changes in your health from exam to exam.
- We want to hear about things that have improved (for the better), or if they have become worse. If there have not been any changes, not even 1%, be sure to let us know that too. There are likely many things listed on the questionnaire which have not changed since the initial exam, so please select unchanged. If there are symptoms which do not apply, please select NA (Not Applicable) or Does Not Apply.
- If a symptom is better or worse, please be sure to quantify by telling us what percent of change has taken place. We never like it when we think something is resolving for you, as the patient, but then later find out that it is only 5% better. Telling us what percentage improvement or worsening there has been helps us to know if we are on the right track or need to make changes to your care.
- At the bottom of the form are some important questions. Not only is it important to know what has improved, or worsened, and by how much, but also how has your chiropractic care impacted your life in the three major divisions: work, home, and play. Please take a few moments to answer these questions. Knowing what things, you are and are not able to do better can help the doctor determine the best way to work on your health challenges and make sure you are able to experience the best quality care as possible.
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
Ranicki Chiropractic Wellness Center
1147 US-80 B
Pooler, GA 31322
CALL: (912) 748-1506
TEXT: (912) 748-1506
FAX: (912) 748-1507